The ruins of Loropéni, Burkina Faso's first site on the UNESCO World Heritage List
Sculpture symposium on Laongo granite in the central region to see...
The ruins of Loropéni, Burkina Faso's first site on the UNESCO World Heritage List
The Karfiguéla waterfalls are one of the most important sites in Burkina Faso.
Located about fifteen kilometers from the town of Banfora, the domes of Fabédougou ...
Among the tourist sites in Burkina Faso, the most attractive place for tourists is the vil...
Warba is a traditional dance of the Mossi people in Burkina Faso.
The Dozos are formidable hunters present in western Burkina.
The Gourounsi are an ethnic group present in Burkina Faso and Ghana.
The mausoleum of the great warrior Tiéfo AMORO is located in Noumoundara about 20 km from...
Princess Guimbi OUATTARA was born in Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) in 1836.
Barani, a village located in western Burkina Faso in the Mouhoun loop region.
You will certainly be impressed by the majestic mosques of Bani.
Bazoulé is a village in Burkina Faso, located in the department of Tanghin-Dassouri ...
The majestic royal palace of Kokologo is located about 40 km from the capital Ouagadougou.
Gossina is a department of Burkina Faso located in the province of Nayala in the Boucle du...
The Artisanal Village, a veritable melting pot of talent, is an ideal platform for all the...