The ruins of Loropéni, Burkina Faso's first site on the UNESCO World Heritage List
The Peulhs are one of the main ethnic groups in Burkina Faso. They represent 10% of the po...
These crocodiles represent the souls of the descendants of the Kaboré family in Sabou.
Le village de Nianssogoni, petit village semi-troglodyte, perché en haut d’une falaise, qu...
The Lobis are an ethnic group present in the extreme south of Burkina Faso, in the Gaoua a...
Termitières en dôme ou en cathédrale (Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso : pays Lobi et Banfora).
Les Bissa (ou Bussansi) forment un grand groupe ethnique dont le territoire se situe au su...
The Douna caves are a natural site coupled with a historical site.
Rocks cut to size by the phenomena of nature bear no trace of human action.
Basketry is a widespread craft among women in Burkina Faso; in some ethnic groups each wom...
Gani is a rural commune located in the Gomboro department of the Sourou province in the Bo...
In Burkina Faso, pottery is omnipresent, both in the cities and in the villages.
The site of Tiwêga is an archaeological and cultural site presenting paleo-metallurgical r...