Burkina Faso : Land of upright people
Ruins of Lorépeni
The waterfalls of Banfora
Fabédougou's domes
The Dozos
Tiéfo Amoro Mausoleum
Princess Guimbi O.
Mosque of Barani
Masks of Gossina
Village de Niansoghni
Lobi Habitat
Caverns of Douna
Peaks of Sindou
Village of Gani
Sculpture on granite of Laongo
Kasséna Habitats of Tiébelé
Warba Dancing
Gourounsi Dance
Bazoulé Sacred Crocodile Pond
Royal Palace of Kokologo
Artisanal village of the SIAO
Ponds with sacred crocodiles of Sabou
Tiwega ovens in Kaya
Danseuses Bissa
Mosques of Bani
Peulh Habitats
Burkina Faso Country of men of integrity Land of welcome and traditions, Country of culture