ONTB   Burkina Faso : Land of upright people


Burkinabè National Tourist Office

Created by KITI N° AN VII-0118/FP/MET of November 27, 1989, the ONTB is a Public Establishment of the State (EPE) which is located in the heart of the city of Ouagadougou in the business district, rue de la luck, at the 4th Floor, LONAB headquarters building.

  • disseminate the brand image of Burkina Faso both inside and outside the country.
  • Advise, guide and supervise private operators operating in the field of tourism and the hotel business
  • Research, implement the means to promote investment in Tourism, and the hotel business
  • Contribute to service improvement through training of sector staff.
  • Collect, process and ensure the dissemination of information related to tourism.
  • Ensure the management of production units and tourist sites
    • Participation in international tourism fairs
    • Participation in national events.
    • Formulation of projects for the development of tourism in Burkina Faso
    • Design of tourist circuits
    • Management of receptive and tourist sites.
    • Organization of the Ouagadougou International Tourism and Hotel Show (SITHO)
    • Training of tourism actors
    • Training of tourism actors

    General Management
    The General Management is the body responsible for coordinating and monitoring all activities. of the ONTB. The the powers of the General Management are those defined in the specific articles of association of the Company. the ONTB adopted by the Council of Ministers at its meeting of May 17, 2000. The General Directorate comprises :
      The Secretariat of Direction .
    • Internal Control.
    Marketing and Communication Department
    The Marketing and Communication Department (DMC) is responsible for the design, development and implementation of the development and the Positioning of the tourism product in the markets that generate tourists. It is also in charge of design activities for specific promotional materials, publications and the marketing of tourism products. The DMC is composed of the following services:
    • The Product Development and Positioning Department
    • The Audio Visual and Computer Audio Service
    • The Public Relations and Programming Department.
    Director of Studies, Cooperation and Prospective Studies
    The DECP is in charge of carrying out studies (DECP) that should lead to the development of resources by providing for measures to safeguard tourist sites, to protect the environment and to protect the the development and the application of the legal texts that must govern the N.W.T.O. and its partners. It is also in charge of the elaboration of N.T.B. statistics and vocational training. The DECP includes the following services:
    • The Department of Studies, Statistics and Prospective Studies (Service des Etudes, des Statistiques et de la Prospective).
    • The Service de la Coopération et de l'Encadrement Professionnel.
    Tourism Sites and Infrastructures Directorate (DSIT)
    It is responsible for the inventory and development of tourism resources. It is also responsible for the collection, processing and information relating to infrastructures of welcome and stay in Burkina Faso. The DSIT includes :
    • the service of reception infrastructures, gastronomy and the city
    • .
    • the tourist heritage and development department
    • The documentation and archives department.

    Central Regional Directorate
    Tel: (+226) 70 89 12 23
    Western Regional Direction
    Tel: (+226) 20 97 19 86
    Sahel Regional Direction
    Eastern Regional Directorate

    Burkinabè National Tourist Office
    ONTB General Management
    Tel: (+226) 25 31 19 59 / 60
    Email: info@ontb.bf


    Tourisme Burkina Faso