The Bängr Weogo Urban Park, the first case of retrocession between the State and local authorities, is the fruit of a perfect symbiosis between the Ministry in charge of forests and the Commune of Ouagadougou, responsible for its management.
Located in the heart of the city of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, it covers an area of 240 ha. Rooted in our culture, this forest massif constitutes a place of environmental education, a pedagogical framework par excellence.
A space for leisure and relaxation, this challenge of the environment, the fight against desertification and pollution, is housed in the city of Ouagadougou like a saving lung.
The Bängr Weogo Urban Park, a privileged setting for environmental education, welcomes pupils, students, researchers and the general public in complete safety.
Discover the museum center of exhibition on the environment of the Park through the exhibition of trophies of avian fauna, mammals and aquatic fauna, and also the potentialities of its library and audiovisual room.
The Urban Park Bängr Weogo of Ouagadougou is a space for relaxation and leisure. Enjoy good times between peacocks and hares, lulled by the songs of birds. Discover its bar-restaurant in a dense forest environment and its children's playground.
Presentation of the Bangr-Weoogo Urban Park
Located in the heart of the city of Ouagadougou, the Bängr-Weoogo Urban Park covers an area of more than 240 ha.
Rooted in our culture, this natural forest massif, place of environmental education, pedagogical framework par excellence, space for leisure and relaxation, this challenge of the environment, of the fight against desertification and pollution, is housed in the heart of the city of Ouagadougou like a green lung that saves. It is a unique case in the West African sub-region.
The urban park has undergone the following changes:
- From time immemorial, this forest, owned by the Mossis Chiefs, was protected by them and sheltered sacred sites, animals and objects. A place of initiation and a safe refuge, it was so until the arrival of the settlers. The fields of the women of Moro Naba occupied the northeastern part.
- The forest was delimited is bounded from 1932.
- On October 09, 1936, the Order classifying the forest was signed by the Governor of French West Africa with the following objectives:
protection of the banks of the dams of Ouagadougou;
a place for walking and relaxation;
practical place for the teaching of Natural Sciences;
green lung of the city.
- Starting in 1995, the development work will begin with the construction of the perimeter fence of about 7.5 km.
- From 1997, the interior fittings will be carried out:
Pedagogical units
Economic units
Relaxation and leisure units.
- As of January 5, 2001, the classified forest of the Ouagadougou Dam, named "Bängr-Weoogo Urban Park" which means "Forest of Knowledge" in Moré, will be transferred by the Ministry of Environment and Water to the Commune of Ouagadougou.
Description of the Park
Thanks to financing from development partners namely the Caisse Française de Développement, the European Union, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Belgium and the State of Burkina Faso, the 240 ha Bängr-Weoogo Urban Park offers the following structures:
1) Pedagogical units:
The zoological park covers an area of 72 hours. In addition to the residual animals, consisting of small game (136 species of birds inventoried in 1999 and some rodents), animals in enclosures (giant tortoises, crocodiles) and animals in semi-freedom (hartebeest, waterbuck, hippotragues, buffalo cob, harnessed guib, duikers, peacocks) have been introduced.
The botanical garden of 8 ha. It consists of more than 95 local woody plant species distributed in 8 blocks and a block of associated exotic and local ornamental species. The first blocks are organized in clear or dense shrubby savannah.
The Botanical Garden also offers brochures for the recognition of all these species in order to better highlight them.
The Museum: exhibition center on the environment of Burkina Faso composed of:
an exhibition room consisting of:
2) Economic units
Bangr Weogo Urban Park Contact: Mail: